Betty Ford Meditation: A Legacy of Healing and Hope

betty ford meditation

The Betty Ford Meditation is something close to many within her guidance. Ford was a pioneer in bringing critical social issues such as mental illness, substance abuse, women’s rights, and breast cancer awareness to the forefront.

As First Lady, she left a legacy both inside and outside the White House, and her impact is still felt today. One of the ways she helped people was through her daily meditations, which provided inspiration and guidance to those in recovery.

We’re going to explore Betty Ford’s thought for the day, meditation for the day, and prayer for the day, as well as her legacy and the organization she founded, Hazelden Betty Ford.

Betty Ford Thought for the Day

Betty Ford’s thought for the day was a daily reflection that she wrote during her time at the Betty Ford Center.

These reflections were designed to inspire and motivate those in recovery, and they continue to be a source of comfort and guidance for people today. One of her most famous thoughts for the day is:

“I think the most important thing I learned in forty years of public life is that there is a common thread that runs through all of our lives. It is the thread of hope. If we can keep that thread of hope alive, it will lead us through even the darkest of times.”

This thought speaks to the power of hope in recovery and in life.

Betty Ford believed that hope was essential to overcoming addiction and other challenges, and her thought for the day encouraged people to hold onto that hope, even in the darkest of times.

Betty Ford Meditation for the Day

Betty Ford’s meditation for the day was another daily reflection that she wrote during her time at the Betty Ford Center.

These meditations were designed to help people connect with their spirituality, cultivate presence, and find peace and serenity in their lives. One of her most famous meditations is:

“Today I will take time to be still and quiet. I will listen to the voice of my higher power and let it guide me. I will trust that everything is happening for a reason, and that I am exactly where I need to be.”

This meditation speaks to the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment.

Betty Ford believed that taking time to be still and quiet was essential to finding peace and serenity in life, and her meditation encouraged people to trust in their higher power and let it guide them.

betty ford thought for the day

Betty Ford Prayer for the Day

Betty Ford’s prayer for the day was a daily prayer that she wrote during her time at the Betty Ford Center.

These prayers were designed to help people connect with their spirituality and find strength and courage in their lives. One of her most famous prayers is:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This prayer, known as the Serenity Prayer, is a cornerstone of recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Betty Ford believed that this prayer was essential to finding peace, mindfulness, and serenity in life, and her prayer encouraged people to accept the things they cannot change, change the things they can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

Who is Hazelden Betty Ford?

Hazelden Betty Ford is an organization that provides addiction treatment and recovery services. It was founded in 1949 by Sister Ignatia Gavin and Dr. Daniel Anderson, and it has since grown to become one of the largest and most respected addiction treatment centers in the world.

The organization was named after Betty Ford in recognition of her contributions to the field of addiction treatment and recovery. Today, Hazelden Betty Ford provides a wide range of services, including inpatient and outpatient treatment, recovery coaching, and support for families and loved ones.

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day is a book of daily meditations for people in recovery. It was first published in 1954 and has since become a cornerstone of recovery programs such as AA and NA.

The book was written by Richmond Walker, a member of AA, and it contains daily reflections on topics such as acceptance, calming the mind, gratitude, and spirituality. Betty Ford was a fan of Twenty-Four Hours a Day and often recommended it to people in recovery.

Today, the book is still widely read and continues to provide inspiration and guidance to people in recovery.

betty ford thought for the day


What is the A.A. just for today?

The A.A. just for today is a daily reflection that is read at the beginning of many AA meetings. It is a reminder to stay focused on recovery and to take things one day at a time.

What is Hazelden 24 hours a day app?

The Hazelden 24 hours a day app is a mobile app that provides daily meditations for people in recovery. It is based on the book Twenty-Four Hours a Day and provides inspiration and guidance to people in recovery.
